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Cambridge History for the IB Diploma - Paper 2
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History for the IB Diploma - Paper 2

Series Editor: Allan Todd

Second Edition


Destinatari: Curriculum internazionale
Anno di pubblicazione: 2015

Authoritarian States (20th Century) - CONTENTS
1. Introduction; Unit 2. Mussolini and Italy: 2. Emergence of an authoritarian state in Italy; 3. Consolidating and maintaining power; 4. Fascist policies and their impact; Unit 3. Hitler and Nazi Germany: 5. Emergence of an authoritarian state in Germany; 6. Consolidating and maintaining power; 7. Nazi policies and their impact; Unit 4. Mao and China: 8. Emergence of an authoritarian state in China; 9. Consolidating and maintaining power; 10. Mao’s policies and their impact; Unit 5. Castro and Cuba: 11. Emergence of an authoritarian state in Cuba; 12. Consolidating and maintaining power; 13. Castro’s policies and their impact; Unit 6. Exam practice; Further Information; Index.

Evolution and Development of Democratic States (1848 - 2000) - contents
1. Introduction; Unit 1. South Africa: 2. Change and continuity in South Africa; 3. Challenges and opposition; 4. Impact of democracy on society in South Africa; Unit 2. India: 5. Change and continuity in India; 6. Challenges and opposition; 7. Impact of democracy on society in India; Unit 3. Germany: 7. Change and continuity in Germany; 8. Challenges and opposition; 9. Impact of democracy on society in Germany; Unit 4. USA: 10. Change and continuity in the USA; 11. Challenges and opposition; 12. Impact of democracy on society in the USA; Unit 5. Exam practice; Index.

The Cold War: Superpower Tensions and Rivalries - contents
1. Introduction; Unit 1. Nature of the Cold War; Unit 2. Origins of the Cold War; Unit 3. The First Cold War (1946–53): 2. Developments in Europe; 3. Developments in Asia and Oceania; Unit 4. Fluctuating relations (1953–68): 4. Developments in Europe; 5. Developments in Asia; 6. Developments in the Americas; Unit 5. From détente to the Second Cold War (1969–85): 7. Developments in Europe; 8. Developments in Africa and the Middle East, and in the Americas; 9. Developments in Asia and Oceania; Unit 6. The end of the Cold War (1985–91); Unit 7. Exam practice; Further information; Index.

Independence Movements (1800 - 2000) - contents
1. Introduction; Unit 1. Zimbabwe: 2. The origins and rise of independence movements in Zimbabwe; 3. Methods used and reasons for success; 4. Challenges and responses in post-colonial Zimbabwe; Unit 2. India and Pakistan: 5. The origins and rise of independence movements in the Indian subcontinent; 6. Methods used and reasons for success; 7. Challenges and responses in post-colonial India and Pakistan; Unit 3. Vietnam: 8. The origins and rise of independence movements in Vietnam; 9. Methods used and reasons for success; 10. Challenges and responses in Vietnam after independence; Unit 4. Cuba: 11. The origins and rise of independence movements in Cuba; 12. Methods used and reasons for success; 13. Challenges and responses in Cuba after independence; Unit 5. Ireland: 14. The origins and rise of independence movements in Ireland; 15. Methods used and reasons for success; 16. Challenges and responses in Ireland after independence; Unit 6. Exam practice; Further information; Index.

Causes and Effects of 20th Century Wars - Contents
1. Introduction; 2. The First World War; 3. The Spanish Civil War; 4. The Second World War; 5. The Chinese Civil War; 6. The Iran/Iraq conflict; 7. Exam practice; Further Information; Index.

History for the IB Diploma - Paper 2
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Status Titolo Pagine Codice ISBN Prezzo Cancella
Paper 2
Paper 2
Authoritarian States

Evolution and Development of Democratic States

€ 43,60
The Cold War

Causes and Effects of 20th Century Wars

Independence Movements

Il catalogo di Cambridge è a norma, in ottemperanza alla legge n.133 del 6 agosto 2008 ripresa dalla circolare ministeriale n.378 del 25 gennaio 2013.
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